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  • Distance Calculator
    Calculates the approximate distance between two cities, ports or any locations worldwide using the latitudes and longitudes of the two locations. It can be used to calculate the distance in nautical miles, statute miles and kilometers between the major commercial cities or the export-import seaports or airports worldwide.
  • Time-Lapse Calculator
    Calculates the approximate length of time between two dates. It can be used to calculate the export lead time between the shipping date and the order date or production date, or calculate the age of a person or thing and the number of days to Christmas or New Year from today.
  • Due Date Calculator
    Calculates the due date or final date in a specified lead time (in number of days) commencing from a given date, for example 30 days from today or 60 days from the delivery date. It can be used to calculate the due date of an account receivable or payable (i.e., the payment due date in a term account), or the date of delivery or shipment in a given number of days starting from the purchase order (P.O.) date or the date of receipt of a letter of credit in an export shipment.
  • Mortgage Calculator
    Calculates the monthly mortgage payment of a commercial or residential property. Two methods of calculating the mortgage payments and presenting of mortgage data are provided in the calculator. Each method uses a different set of input data in the calculation.
  • 2007 Calendar
    The Gregorian Calendar for year 2007.
  • 2008 Calendar
    The Gregorian Calendar for year 2008.
  • Perpetual Calendar
    300 Years Calendar (1800-2099)

    It can be used to determine the day of the week of a given date between 1800 and 2099. May use it to check for the day of the week of an export shipment, a payment dateline, or a person was born.
  • Number Set Generator  (Designed for Trade Shows)
    Randomly generates a predefined set of numbers, ranging from 2 to 8 numbers per set, out of a specified range of numbers starting from 1 up to 99. It can be used in gimmicks to draw visitors to exhibitor's booth in the trade shows.
  • Simulated Slot Machine  (Designed for Trade Shows)
    Spins and randomly generates a set of three images simulating a slot machine. It can be used in gimmicks to draw visitors to exhibitor's booth in the trade shows.


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